2024/25 Welcoming Communities Fund

This is a preview of the 2024/25 Welcoming Communities Fund form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Your organisation

* indicates a required field.

Purpose and criteria of the fund

The purpose of Hamilton City Council's Welcoming Communities Fund is to support and enable Welcoming Communities projects/activities which align to the outcomes of the Welcoming Plan as follows:

  1. Inclusive leadership; Leaders both designated and unofficial reflect the diversity in the local community.
  2. Welcoming Communications; People of all cultures and backgrounds feel included, listened to and well informed. 
  3. Equitable Access; Opportunities to access services and activities and to participate in the community are available to all, including newcomers.
  4. Connected and Inclusive Communities; People feel safe in their identity, that they are connected with and belong in the community. 
  5. Economic Development, Business and Employment; Newcomers are supported to access local employment information, services and networks.
  6. Civic Engagement and Participation; Newcomers are encouraged and enabled to get involved in local government and civil society. 
  7. Welcoming Public Spaces;  Provide opportunities to build trust and relationships between newcomers and members of the receiving community. 
  8. Culture and Identity; There is a shared sense of pride in being part of a culturally rich and vibrant community. People feel their culture is respected and valued. There are opportunities to learn about each other's cultures.

For further details and a full explanation on each outcome please check our Welcoming Plan Hamilton - Te Waharoa Ki Ngaa Hapori Kirikiriroa

The Welcoming Communities Fund round is open until all grant money has been allocated.  The funding pool is $75,000 and up to $5,000 per application. 

Priority will be given to applications from community organisations that are:

  • Eligible to apply (see below), and are
  • Applying for projects/activities which align to at least one of the outcomes of the Welcoming Plan, and
  • Applying up to $5,000 per application.
  • Collaborative projects are encouraged.  

Note: Applications requesting a new development or extension of an existing programme where newcomers benefit, may be considered. Talk to our team before you apply. 

Generally Council funds community organisations which meet the following criteria:

  • They are legally constituted as not-for-profit community organisations (charitable trusts or incorporated societies) and have been operating for a minimum of 12 months.   
  • They have the capacity to deliver the project as outlined in their application.
  • They have records such as a bank account, annual accounts, minutes of meetings.
  • They agree to the terms and conditions of any potential grant as outlined in their grant agreement.
  • They agree to provide further information on request, and to provide accountability for any funds received.

Note: If you wish to apply, but do not meet the above criteria, please contact Gary Ho email - Gary.Ho@hcc.govt.nz. (Groups may be considered if they apply under the umbrella of another organisation). 

What will not be funded?

  • Projects or operational costs already substantially funded by Hamilton City Council.
  • Retrospective funding i.e. specific projects that have already started or have been completed.
  • Religious Ministry regarding the teaching or preaching of their faith.
  • Activities considered core Government responsibility e.g. teaching of the school curriculum.
  • Political organisations or social clubs.
  • Repayment of debt, Loans (or loan guarantees), rates remittance, community leases or rentals, mortgage repayments or investments of any kind.
  • Any projects or activities that would generally be considered illegal or are contrary to Councils aims and objective.
  • Travel and accommodation.
  • Prizes, cost of goods to be raffled or any costs associated with fundraising.

When will I know the outcome?  

The funding round will remain open until early June 2025, unless the funds have been fully allocated prior to this. Once submitted, applications will be assessed at regular intervals. It could be up to 4-8 weeks before the outcome of your request is known. Please plan your project dates accordingly as Council does not fund retrospective requests.  

Who can help me with this application? 

Council have Funding Advisors that can help your group complete this application form.  If you would like the support of a Grants Distribution Advisor,  please email Gary.Ho@hcc.govt.nz for assistance.

Does your service, programme or activity take place in Hamilton? * Required
Is your group a * Required
Response required.
Does your organisation have a bank account? * * Required
Has your organisation been operating more than 12 months? * Required
Do you have a set of annual financial accounts including financial statements and performance reports? * Required

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Does your service, programme or activity take place in Hamilton?" on page 1
  • "Is your group a" on page 1
  • "Does your organisation have a bank account? *" on page 1
  • "Has your organisation been operating more than 12 months?" on page 1
  • "Do you have a set of annual financial accounts including financial statements and performance reports?" on page 1
Please enter the registered (legal) name of your organisation.
Contact person * Required
Please enter the name of the primary contact person for this application.
Please enter the contact phone number for the primary contact given above.
Please enter the email address for the primary contact given above.

Organisation Details: (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Does your service, programme or activity take place in Hamilton?" on page 1
  • "Is your group a" on page 1
  • "Does your organisation have a bank account? *" on page 1
  • "Has your organisation been operating more than 12 months?" on page 1
  • "Do you have a set of annual financial accounts including financial statements and performance reports?" on page 1
Must be no more than 50 words
Must be no more than 100 words